Sunday, April 22, 2007

Week 7

This week we were suppose to have Jason Nelson for our lecture but instead we had Adam – Jason is next week (should be interesting as I have seen some of his work before.)

So this week’s topic was my biggest pet hate ever! Computer games, well the theory behind them anyway. Adam discussed the Narratology vs Ludology theories. The narrative being the story that is told by the games and is it perceived as an extension of our lives. As everyone is aware there are games out there such as Sims and Second Life which enables you to create a character and a world in which you place them and they live and do normal things or not so normal things – depends on what sort of person you want your character to be.

It’s crazy how much games like these have taken off. People are living two lives. The way I see it is they are living the normal everyday life (off screen) and their characters are like their alter egos. I’m guessing all the gals out there would have the perfect bods etc. It even has its own economy! It only $9.95 per month if you choose the premium membership plan! Crazy………

Lugology is concerned with the game play elements – graphics etc. People with this line of thought disagreed with the story idea.

Adam showed us the funniest video off Youtube – two kids got a Nintendo for Christmas, needless to say they were beside themselves screaming and punching the air. The power of the game at it’s best!

Unfortunately, yet again something was wrong with the computer system – well the amp this week and we were unable to watch Existence (tears). There is always something.

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