Sunday, March 11, 2007

Looking for friends

So the task this week is to find some blogger buddies who i can add to my page. This should be interesting........a new form of introducing yourself to class mates i guess. Hi can I don't know you but can I add you to my blog.....what's your address?! Then i have the very technical task of trying to link their addresses to my page.

Last week week we watched Le Jetee (New Wave Cinema) 1962 which focused on the nature of communication not just across space, but time. It was interesting how it used still shots/images and narration to tell the story. Set in war time and with Dr Wacko's endless search for the future he finds a guinea pig (P.O.W) who can with stand his testing. With his memories of the past, in particular a girls face, the Dr creates a past/now reality in which he visits. He then meets 4 'in future people' who look like they have three eyes and want him to come into the future with him. He wants to go back to his past as the girl is there. He then dies in his parallel reality which acts as a metaphor for the end of his use by the Dr.

Memory and the mind is a powerful thing as we all know and technology and the advancement of technology is essentially from incredibly smart minds. The use of still images in this film was incredibly effective as with alot of peoples memory it's just a snapshot of different images of the past. It gets your imagination working as you try to fill in the middle bits, not just in your own mind but of the characters as well.......................................................

This movie is apparently a basis for Twelve Monkeys and Alphaville. I haven't seen either before so it should be quite good to see Alphaville in our 3rd lecture.

I hope at least some of that made sense.

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