Saturday, May 5, 2007

Crazy man

Jason Nelson took our lecture this week, which led us into the world of online art. Jason has a whole site which is basically his gallery This is the second time I have had a lecture with him – first was for my Effective Writing class. So, he made it sound really easy to do all this crazy stuff, but re-writing this and changing the code for that…….something along those lines.

Funny guy who loves telling people to shut up! He had a funny story about a bestiality site using his URL to redirect to their site??? as a means of covering their tracks. Then the fact he had a lot of abusive emails from the animal lovers (literally) once he changed it so one of his artworks would come up. Sickos!

He spoke about how you can see exactly where people are accessing your site from and the fact that the internet by no means is secure or private as your ISP can be seen (hope I have at least some of this right). In one week one of his artworks had over 800,000 hits….crazy.

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