Sunday, May 20, 2007


Well up until the macros i excelled at using Microsoft Excell. This task was similar to last weeks where we had to follow instructions and see if we could get a graph and buttons on the tool bar to show gains, losses and gains and losses.

The instructions were fine up until the marcos part of the exercise where everything seemed to go out the window. The written instructions were confusing even our tutor struggled. So on a whole i found the exercise pretty average. Yes i had problems with the marcos and asked my tutor and fellow class mates....which were all in the same boat!

Yes i can see how this software would and is useful. If ever i need to create a graph to show any data for an assignment I always use Excell. As for the marcos i can see how useful the would be in a buisness environment. My tip would be to take a course in how to use Excell properly!

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