Sunday, May 13, 2007

Microsoft Word

Today we were given some exercises to complete using Word.

  1. Type a cover letter and save in word as Letter 1, then close and exit the application.
  2. Open and put highlight selected words either underlining, italics and bold. Save and close as Letter 2.
  3. Headers, Footers and Double Spacing to the document
  4. Track Changes
  5. Mail Merge

I have used all of these applications except Mail Merge so many times i have lost count. I found this exercise very easy as Word is what I use to type all of my assigments. I didn't find it confusing or have any problems. Using Mail merge as i haven't used it before so I have learn't something new which is always good.

As for the question ' Can you see how this software might be useful to you?' well yes, as i use it just about everyday if not for uni stuff then i am using the program at work.

What would be good is to have an exercise like this for unfamiliar programs such as (well for me anyway) photoshop to show you how to use the basics!

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