Thursday, May 31, 2007

Weeks 10, 11 & 12

Yes i have been abit slack, but the essay was priority along with other assessments for other subjects!!

Ok here goes:

Week 10

Saw us lectured by Debra Beattie with the weeks theme illustrating how two different ideas have been altered through the use of technology. Deb works for Kids Help Line and was discussing the new interactive online counselling (similar to msn).

She also discussed her online doco 'The Wrong Crowd' for the ABC.

Week 11

Cyberpolitics and the digital divide. I learnt to appreacite how lucky we are to have access to current forms of technology unlike Stephen's phd student's fellow countrymen or a majority of anyway.

We also looked at Mark Posters arguement that we are presently witnessing the advent of the 'second media age'.

Week 12

Lucky last lecture again by Adam. Plus another viewing of hillarious youtube videos. Fab anamie one plus the love story of Blair and Bush......they make sure a cute couple and i hear Johnnie Howard is heart broken.

Looked at software - free and proprietary.
Introduced to Richard Stallman who Adam is a dead ringer for how how he founded the Free Software Foundation.........insanely smart people. Plus his idea of Copyleft, which is copyright flipped over!

The movie Primer was also show. Stephen was right when he said it was hard to follow and the fact there is always background movies playing and the actors mumble didn't help. It was about two guys who developed a machine in which they could travel back in time. In the end their creation becomes more trouble then beneficial with Aaron killing all clones but one. Sometimes too much brain power is not a good thing. Apparently the movie was produced for $7000.......maybe Hollywood could take notes?

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